SD-44–49: Another week down the drain! Whatta week whatta week. I am exhausted.
Big site that I’ve been working on for nine months launched Monday at 9am… and immediately stopped worked. We ended up rolling back to the old site and relaunching at 1:30 after we figured out what went wrong.
Turns out hundreds of images from the site are hot linked by an app that I only had a loose understanding of its existence. All of the 404s being dynamically generated seemed to bring the database to its knees. I temporarily put this images back into the new site, disabled hot linking, and disabled 404s for static assets in addition to enabling some caching I hadn’t had a chance to flip on before the site belly flopped the first time around. But now it’s all good! And I think people are generally happy. I’m glad now that it’s launched we can focus on improvements and all those content updates needed once a site makes it out into the world.
Lol I shouldn’t be writing this right now since I want to fall asleep. Though technically it’s still the work day. Spent a few hours Wednesday trying to fix a Drupal issue that turned out to be caused by a file on the server being incorrectly capitalized. COMPUTERS!!!
It was cloudy and rainy a lot of the week, but the sun finally came out today. Happy May Day! A new stay at home order started today for the month of may which reopens some businesses but requires masks in all public places where social distancing isn’t possible.
Finished up functionality on a landing page with a Google Civic API integration that I’ve been working on for too long. It’s not launched yet, but next week hopefully. It’ll be good to have that out in the world.
Still playing a ton of Animal Crossing but starting to think about a return to other games. Been dipping my toes into Minecraft on the Switch a bit since I can play with my niece and it’s a little more interactive than multiplayer Animal Crossing.
I mentioned being tired right? Neck pain and dizziness switched over to lower back pain today so I’ve been trying to work from the couch, though not super successfully. Feel like I’m gonna have to try working some this weekend to make up for today, which is silly since I’d already put in a full week’s of work in the first four days. Slept well Tuesday and Wednesday night but not so much last night.
It was Dane’s birthday yesterday. I bought him an ice cream cake I could see from Dunkin. It felt very apocalyptic with all the tables cleared out, spots marked out on the floor for social distancing, shields for the cashiers, and a video screen showing an ad for supporting nurses.