MyrthCo opened its doors in 2000 and has been Topher* McCulloch’s home on the web ever since. The site has gone from focusing on Construction Paper Angst, a failed webcomic, to a personal portfolio site, to a mismanaged lifestream, to what it is now: a portal to the many dark back alleys of Topher’s internet presence. It hosts a blog compilation of nearly every DeadJournal (RIP), LiveJournal (RIP), and Blogger (RIP) post Topher ever made, ensuring him a bright future of regret.

Topher was born and raised in Brookings, South Dakota, which is different from North Dakota. He attended college at the University of Minnesota Duluth. His sophomore year he studied abroad in Birmingham, England. Topher graduated with honors and a Bachelor of Fine Arts, double-majoring in graphic design and studio art. While in Minnesota he was the in-house designer for the Tweed Museum of Art.

After college he moved to Chicago because Sufjan Stevens made it sound like a good idea. Once there he volunteered at the Art Institute of Chicago in the European Paintings Department and saw the setup for the Modern Wing behind the scenes. He interned in the Design & Publications department at the Museum of Contemporary Art before taking a job at Bond Digital where he spent a decade undergoing the journey from graphic designer to designer/developer hybrid.

He co-founded Chicago IRL, a Chicago queer collaboration of culture and class(lessness) and has done design work for several theater companies and board game companies. 

Topher is currently the Director of Development & Technology at Pivot Design, overseeing a team of developers and consulting on all things digital across the agency. When not doing that he makes something awful every day, sorta.

*Short for Christopher. Neat, huh?