Today has been a very stupid day.

I was walking up the stairs with my head down staring at my feet as I normally do. I saw a girl in green with red stockings and chucks headed the other way and my head turned… I stumbled on the steps. Some guy next to me was like “you're going to break your neck looking at girls!” or something. Ungh. No, not quite. Bohemians. Bohemians shall be the death of me.

I knocked over somebody's sculpture today and broke it. I didn't tell the teacher. I knocked over many many many things in 3D Design today… ungh. I did manage to complete a large portion of my chair.

There's going to be colored panels and a seat. It's a Mondrian / De stijl chair! Whee.. I hope it turns out. Ungh.

I've got a lotta shit to do. For example… a magic carpet! It's going slowly. So slow.

I often put on my headphones out of courtesy for my roommate. I often leave my speakers on while listening to headphones. He doesn't say anything, but jesus I must look dumb with headphones on and speakers blaring.

I lead an awkward existence.

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