Heh, my first Saturday night from school I shall be rocking out completely.

I post this because I want your opinions. Shall I have a par-tay? Cause first there were three which were neat, then there was one that sucked, and now what?

Small get together amongst friends? Inviting everyone and their mom? Bribing college friends to get the “Brookings experience”? Who knows?! How far down do you want to go? We can talk about it over a cup of joe… And you can look real deep into my eyes like I was a super model.

Uhm.. yeah. Party. Yay? Nay? Brookings party last year sucked, but it can be rebuilt! Aberdeen trip was awesome. Maybe I'll just steal my sister's car and go visit people since everyone's a pile. I mean lovely.

Now that everyone hates each other, these things are difficult. Erm. Yeah. Maybe I can teleport to Duluth for New Years and get absolutely smashed. That'd be fun.

Maybe no party perse, but I would like to attempt to lure people from out of town. Yes… yes.

And that seems fair!

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