SD 352–377: Oh dear, it appears I overshot the COVIDversary and then some. As I say every other sentence on here, where does the time go? Where. Does. The. Time. Go.
Looking back at my last post, my iMac died February 20th, I took it in to MicroCenter for repair on February 25th, and finally was able to pick it up March 18th. So yeah, didn’t full get it back up and running until last Friday, a little less than a week ago. And before that was March 13th.
Ah. March 13th. March 12 has been a tough anniversary for awhile now (despite also being Matt’s birthday). And now March 13 will also hold a special, terrible place in all our hearts.
Vaccinations are really ramping up, so that’s great. Matt got his first shot. My mom’s appointment is scheduled for Monday. Minnesota is apparently opening eligibility to everyone on Tuesday. Illinois statewide is opening up eligibility on April 12. Still no word on city of Chicago. It’s been a little bit of a confusing mess. But hey! I’ve never had to roll out a global vaccination program.
Biden made his goal of 100 million shots in 100 days in 58 days so now he’s shooting for 200 million shots in 100 days. Cases are rising again. Deaths aren’t yet, but they are a lagging indicator. I’ve tuned back into checking the numbers daily after relegating it to just background noise for months. 574,000 deaths. Over a half million people.
Is that progress? A national catastrophe? Both. I’m not really formulating my thoughts about it well!! Turns out I haven’t really processed it! We’re all going to be permanently scarred horny shut-ins forever after this. As the vaccinations offer a glimmer of hope it also feels like we could very likely backslide into a worse scenario with the variants and end up living like this forever. Finally going into real societal collapse! I mean even if it’s not COVID that does it, we’ve still got the climate crisis to look forward to (it’s already here). So yes. I’m very optimistic about the apocalypse.
Booked a hotel for CONvergence yesterday. Have made vague plans of July 4th in Minnesota. We’ll see! I suppose at some point I have to start taking more risks? Well, I don’t have to, but I would like to see my family again.
We had some nice weather. Then the time changed. Then we had some bad weather. I’ve been very tired. Work is draining. I’m not putting in super long hours but I feel like I’m always working even when not actively working. Love that WFH anxiety lifespiral. I’m burnt out but why? All I do is spend all day sitting in the same chair doing nothing. It’s fun!!!
Working on accountability and trying to shoulder responsibility better, so that’s some positive growth. No one probably notices yet, so gotta work on that too. Gotta also find time/motivation to make some cool shit. I need downtime… but I also probably don’t need to spend so many hours on the couch watching Antiques Roadshow. Or maybe I need more hours doing that? When I have my laptop open I get a surprising amount of work done!
Hopefully the weather turns better again and then I can stop being a baby about being tired all the time. I’m taking a week off at the end of April in order to prep… something? for the CPA 20th anniversary. It’s gonna stress me out and be a disappointment. But you know, personal projects, they’re great. I should probably request time off for CONvergence. And start getting costumes together! And art to sell! I’ve had 2 years to do that! One of which was spent entirely inside! And I still haven’t done jack shit! AGHHHHHHHHH. Now please return to the first paragraph wherein I wonder where does the time go.