plans to watch the Rats of NIMH in order to better emphasize with enemy combatants. I set out granola on either side of the reusable “tomcat snap traps” as the trap is not meant to be baited and requires the mouse to walk through it to work. The granola is gone, and the traps are unsnapped.

There is some poison missing. I sense I might soon have a dead mouse. Behind the fridge. I've gone to war, yet I am the one with WMDs (weapons of mouse destruction). A lack of cultural understanding accounts for much of the hatred in this world.

Are my shoes suede or leather? Most pills use gelatin. I bet the vitamins I have to take because of my vegetarianism have gelatin (now there's poetry). I eat skittles sometimes. Vegans can't be photographers, because 35mm film is processed with gelatin.

Stephen King was my reason for banning adverbs, and I don't even know if I respect his writing, mused Topher slyly.

p.s. I just looked at the ingredients on my vitamins. No gelatin. Damnit. I am making

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