When life has got you down, I say, post in deadjournal! Let us hear it for escapism (a good hair day in not looking in the mirror. I'll always have enough money if I don't check my bank statements).

This last weekend brought me back to Edinburgh. Can anyone tell me what city Irvine Welsh's novels take place in? I guessed Glasgow, but Mike things Edinburgh. He's probably right.

I was going to do several things with my time, like see the Camera Obscura climb Arthurt's Seat, and do homework. I did none of those; however, I did see Loch Ness, the Highlands, and the MacKenzie Poltergeist.* It was a really nice hostel for just hanging out, and there was a great continental breakfast. It was on Saturday when I was trying to reach this breakfast that Nessie** kidnapped me. I covered like 380 miles of the Scottish highlands in a small tour bus. Sheena was mauled by a highland cow. The father of modern Satanism had a house on Loch Ness. The world goes round.

Friday night at 11:30 I saw the Director's Cut of Donnie Darko which was… bizzarre. I will definitely have to buy it, but I cannot really say that it is better. It takes some really wankery turns. The Blade Runner Director's Cut has unicorns. This one had art shots of waves.

I apparently snored really loud one night. I woke up in the middle of the night to see the lights were turned on and that two people were discussing this. It sounds like they made a movie of it. I hear it is hilarious. I am mainly just pissed that I am either getting sick or suffering from allergies.

I saw a portion of Hadrian's Wall today. I am not sure if the scattered stone ruins or the expansive Scottish countryside were more appealing.

I keep forgetting my daughter on these excursions. I bring libraries of textbooks and read very little. Speaking of which, one of those unread books is due next week. Speaking of which, several papers are due next week. Augh, fuck you and your stupid Galileo.

I have almost beaten Earthbound. I have almost been making valid use of my time. My brown cords purchased last August have a mean hole growing near the right pocket. This does not make them unwearable, thankfully, but I do look a little more homeless with every day. Did you ever make that pillow from the last pair, Steph?

It might be time to go trouser shopping again.

I am thankfully almost done with Spring Break planning. I just need to find lodging in Paris, London, Dingle, and maybe Oxford. I think the imagined stress of taking trains across Europe might kill me. My break starts with trying to get from Amsterdam to Nice, France. Amsterdam has never been kind to me. I find it slightly odd that I will be spending so much time in France when I have a natural bias against it. Then again, this bias makes no sense considering the French films I love. I have also read and greatly enjoyed several memoirs by French authors recently. French artists are some of the best, and I am doing my big paper this term on Marcel Duchamp. I think my internal distrust dates back to the Frenchman who sat on a statue in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

A few hours ago I was walking on top of Roman ruins. Judge not?

and now as a personal sidenote, I have to do these things:
-Memoir #1 final draft (Tuesday)
-Galileo Paper (Tuesday)
-Read some short stories (Tuesday)
-Memoir Presentation (Tuesday)
-Film paper on French New Wave in relation to Beineix's Diva
-Art and Museums paper on Poussin painting
-Research, research, research Duchamp
-COLLECTIVE MEMORY THESIS PRESENTATION (Tuesday, shit. Forgot about that one)

Someone has reading to do and that someone is me.

*”You can't see Poltergeists, Mike.” -A. Putz
**My Comp Professor, Sheena, Jill, Jess, and Heather

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