I regret that I was unable to effectivle use the phrase “it's 11/11 and you know what I say…” yesterday on November 11th. I'm sure I'm messing that up.

We interrupt this deadjournal to bring you a topher thought process:
I was walking down the hall towards the DC when I saw Mike, so I veered to the left in order that he'd see me and we'd pass right by each other. I did this a little prematurely, leaving about 20-30 feet between us, so I glanced right. I continued on looking at him until he passed me without a word. He looked different, and I wondered why he didn't say anything. I then realized I could have said “hey mike” but didn't. I continued on pondering this as I noticed it was 10 minutes until the DC would open. I walked to my room thinking of all the time I'd save…

With a mention of soapy easy mac, we continue on wholeheartedly.

A reflection of the past seven days.
+Lesbian bowlers
+Lesbians chanting “tofu! tofu! tofu!”
+To Fu., Slow Elk, Slowmohomo, Chilly Willy, Phillips 56, and one other I forget
+Bowling a 111, with two strikes and one spare (what bumpers..?)
+Amazing Grace
+Pizza Lucé on a Monday night
+Renewed optimism and happiness
+Surreal AIM conversations at 9am
+Surreal anything after taking a bus here in the morning
+The guy who asked if we had pot

-Confrontations with the guy who asked if we had pot
-Full moons
-Feeling unwanted
-Acting like a moron for days on end
-Pizza Lucé on a Saturday night
-People who think putting stickers on your back is “hip”
-Not talking to people for extended periods
-I think I just ate easy mac + dish soap

Last night I believe I had a metric shitload of random dreams. For example, a discussion with Maria on whether or not she had enough plates and silverware because I have plenty I can lend her… the hell? Lots of random dream snippets that could be reality, if only I could remember properly.

I woke up this morning to see the world's largest snowflakes. I just sat staring out the window for a really long time because it was so amazing. I was going to go run around, but instead I went back to bed. I really should've gone outside in my pajamas and trench coat, because then I would have found specialness.

Lots of people's birthdays are today. I blame valentine's day (you figure it out).

A.C. Slater is coming tonight, but I think tickets might be sold out. And to everyone I have ties to, have I ever told you how much I appreciate you? And thank you. thank you thank you thank you

More thoughts:
College sometimes feels like Christmas, reality sometimes seems pretend, dreams feel really neat, and somedays things just seem real. How many boxes would it take to fill a tub with jello? If the jello gets firm, would I bounce? I wish I was walking through the obstacle course at Medary in my dreams… I think today feels like that.. and Christmas. I'm drinking hot cocoa between classes (and to get rid of soap).

Yesterday I was wearing he-man underoos, how could I lose?!

A parting moment-
When we were waiting around to go to the bowling alley yesterday, one of the girls called out “is that my brother? hey sexy beast!” I didn't think much of it, but after a few minutes I recognized a unique voice. I turned around and saw that it was Trevor from my 2D Design class. Weeeeeeeeird.

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