I've locked myself out of my room, been to 3-D design which is taught by an adorable Korean woman (really she is, I wanna hug her), been to Interpersonal Communication which is taught by a Walder/Scholten blend (you know, a humorous sort of nap class…), and… Drawing I which is taught by someone that looks like Mrs. Hegg but with longish red hair. I doubt many of you know who Mrs. Hegg is…
Oh, and in Drawing I this blonde “punk” girl came in. She stole Tessa's face. Her friend with green hair and a baseball cap stole Tessa's shirt. AFI, I hate thee.
Oooh, ooh, Mike's friend Maria left me a note on my door in which she called me Tofu. As an added bonus, she saw GWAR in concert at age 13.
The world is ridiculous.