But so is Emma… I suppose. EMMA!!!
I think I miss her facial expressions the most… alas! (damnation)
Last night I know I had a dream with Steph in it. But that's about it… I might be able to remember more later. All I know is that I miss being around her.
Oh, college is getting better, but that still kinda depends on today. Wednesdays are my hell day. Four classes. Three right next to each other. It's Interpersonal Communication, Lunch, Art, Art, Intro to College Learning. 12-4pm will be something to test me… or brak me. Brakabrak.
I made a friend I believe. Dinnermike. We went to… dinner again. And then I stalked him and we watched Alice and Wonderland. Heh. Turtle soup.
Then at some point we picked up his friend Maria. She's a combination of Steph + camp Mandi. So.. yep. She's neat. And Mike's neat. They've seen Nowhere… and Mike's friends have seen Doom Generation. I should've brought that movie.
I think my new favorite band is 86 Pink. Ha… music.
Brookings kids: shame on us for never starting a band and making music. Talent is optional. We totally had untapped resources! Sonya! Sonya on bass, Maren on piano, Emma on dulcimer or some shit and me on vocals naturally. Or… found object percussion.
Oh, and I've introduced more people to the magic of Kompressor. And also, there's a creepy doll in the backseat of Mike's car named Melora. You guys up for some reggae?