[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2008/02/make_it_big_make_it_read.html] I know the type is bad. That’s the point.
Tag: mt import
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2007/12/train_in_the_alps.html I miss Europe, even if I hated Switzerland.
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2007/12/the_politics_of_blogging.html] Lately I’ve been contributing to blog controversy at the Art Guild page, but that’s not my only poor updated web presence! I have a…
The internet these days is just so easy. Check out some cross-browser supported, CSS columnar layouts ready to use.
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2007/03/final_variations_for_senior_sh.html] I am so incredibly f***ed. Postcards I think this is a keeper. I’m okay with having an entirely different look from the…
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2007/02/just_say_no_to_new_blogs.html] I was really happy with this and considered it final, but when I started showing people I felt hesitation. The stamp and…
The BBC posted fifteen web principles [link from Design Observer], which I think are quite pertinent to our class discussions. Also of note is #12: “Accessibility is not…
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2007/01/playing_with_my_boyfriends_wii.html] …and then we turned on the Nintendo. *cough* Blog Assignment This week play an interactive game and then discuss in your blog…
Ahh, the fresh smell of an exhausting first week of classes. I am ready to collapse, and I have only been going for three days.…
[archived from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mccu0154/mugwump/2006/05/albert_nobbs_display_case.html] As it turns out, not only am I bad at aligning a camera for shooting my work, but the lens of my…