2006! The future! Romantic start of year date in Minneapolis followed by a midnight stroll, John Waters film, and an early morning car wreck. Minneapolis trysts. Dosh, Andrew Bird, Dosh, The Books. Saying goodbye mouth to mouth on 27th and Hennepin. Early mornings in uptown. Pretending the bus to Duluth is anything like Europe. Art Guild in the face and the return of the straight crush. The return of the past. spring break in Philadelphia and New York but feeling nothing. Birth of a scholarship boy and my first showing in an exhibition. The shadow of Bud, the power of Budfer! Tudpher? Boat. Julius Caesar 13 times to the tune of Pink Floyd's The Wall. UROP Fair and talking to chancy Martin about Duchamp. An amazing interview with Health Services that lead to no job (thank god) and the most awkward interview ever with the Tweed that lead to an amazing job. Summer school and summer in Duluth. Finding a place to Jillax. McDonald's Chris on one night special. Three weeks of painting and a decision to double major. Three nights, one new bed, two boys. 21st birthday and the advent of drunken Topher, American style. intoxicating conversations at 3am. five days later and a ridiculous boyfriend. swimming in the e. coli of lake superior. beachin' it. seeing the Dresden Dolls open for the worst band ever surrounded by millions of tweeners in Maple Grove. hundreds spent at luce for brunch, drinks, pizza, tacos, and escape. flying to Omaha for my best friend's surprise engagement party. high school, ack. learning to hate the library. a drink with Chad the first. underqualified job experience at Tweed. fall semester of my fourth year and learning to stop worrying and love the bus. playing house, walking a dog for the first time ever. passing three months for the first time. first argument in a relationship. If I punch you in the face will you stop calling me passive aggressive? three jobs on campus. learning to really hate the library and the joy of being awkward in front of 300 students three times a week. staff meetings at the Tweed. UMD's big gay underbelly. design camp with less sucking and more designin'. a desperate need to destroy all grad students. kicking it with Annie and returning to amazing grace for reasons unknown. art history and early mornings lacking sleep. senior show? seeing the Decemberists and remembering times long gone in Minneapolis. Mortal Kombat, goths, Mound, and Wildebeast. thanksgiving with mom's family and crying uncles who want to be closer. hanging with designers that aren't Bud. going to awkward. making it to six months which is how long in gay years? the horror of perkins. the horror of the gay community's arrival at perkins. post-christmas with father's family for the first time in three years and a crying father who wants to be closer. father on his third ukrainian woman. 36 year old ukrainian woman named Marina with a teenage son named Dennis whose abs are better than mine will ever be. my first new year's peck. the future.