To everyone who said Philadelphia is shithole… there is a Big K-Mart in the fancy train station mall. That is all. I also realized American travel has a lot of my least favorite part of travel. Americans.

American hostels are nearly the same as Europe (though I forgot exactly what 18 bed dorm entailed… crap). Rodin makes me wet. I once again find myself wet and wandering art museums throughout the world with bad hair. I am posting currently from the Armory Show: International Fair of New Art in New York, New York. The “new art” part is a bit misleading as I have seen several Maplethorpes and Warhols.

My first impressions of New York are dirty and confusing. I am amending my decision to move somewhere with a subway to move somewhere with a clean subway. Today I managed to get lost in Central Park and then end up the Metropolitan Museum of Art when I wanted to be at the Museum of Modern Art (not the same thing suprisingly! fuck).

To those who don’t know, I ended up spending Saturday in the airport. The flights were oversold and I volunteered twice to take a later flight, which means I now have a free ticket anywhere in US or Canada and a $300 voucher good towards a purchase of a Northwest ticket. I hope the flights home are oversold too. I saw a billion people I knew in the Minneapolis airport.

Oh, and I am quite well and cold free. My legs are a bit tired. Ahh.. travel. When food becomes more important than art.

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