Mondays I do not have class, instead I have… WORK! My life is big an exciting, but I would rather be in bed, which is a change from this weekend when I did not want to be in bed but had nothing better to do. Well, I had plenty better to do really, I just did not feel the impetus to do it…

I did, however, find the folder filled with zine material so that is something to work on. Ha. I think I might get swamped immediately so I should keep on top of that. I worry about just being a flunky this semester, as it may be my last chance to travel for a long long time so I do not want to fuck things up.

Why did I not go to Liverpool? I want to be creepy and walk down Penny Lane. I mostly just ate cookies this weekend. I did see The Incredibles and introduced Mike to Elephant (which he did not hate as much as I thought he would) and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (which he loved; Sylvia?).

I suddenly remember that I dreamt last night my mom and I were driving around Marshall looking for her parents old house. It was painted odd colors and we went inside. There was mail for me so I took it and when we were leaving, someone walked in. I assumed it was the new owner, but it was a caterer. A special banquet was being held to honor none other than Gary McCulloch. Wtf?

I need to start looking into summer classes (and figure out if I will ever graduate). I also need to start thinking about a place to live (Maria mentioned a commune, Bud mentioned an on campus apartment). I also need to look for a job in Duluth. Ack, quasi-adulthood is weird. The other night as I lay in bed I felt distinctly adult, which is weird considering how not true that is. I need to remove several more layers of emotion before I can be grown up.

It might be a weird conversation if I tell Bud I might bring boys over… perhaps it would be motivation to be asexual. I have been plotting that for awhile.

Speaking of asexual, my pillow smelled of Mike last night. It was reminiscient of laundry and toothpaste with a faint outline of must. I like the smell of laundry, which is odd considering I use all unscented stuff.

This entry sure says a lot, does it not?

I had a fancy dream recently about stonehenge being surrounded with a garbage dump. I will be able to verify that February 18-20. This weekend I am going to York. I do not know what York has to offer, but it should be fancy.

Sometimes I think I am a better person for saying doom and whee less, but all I did was replace it with fancy. Augh. Not fancy.


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