the fonze and the seatllite get into an all out knock out brawl with my imaginations/fantasies/fascinations, everyone loses. unless it's mud wrestling. then i win win win!

i was going to livejournal first, but the page did not learn so i have come here instead.

emma tried calling earlier, but the fone was dying. she's in wyoming. i was in denver yesterday. we ended up driving through littleton, though i didn't see the high school. it looks like a very rich community. much like colorado springs, new home to my love maren. i met my new daddy. much more fitting than the hankinator, and a lot more maren than others, but still… it's hard knowing the guys maren loves. they'll never live up to my expectations, as her ideal match in my mind is me. if she did date my straight clone however, that'd just be fucked up. new daddy seems insecure with manhood/masculinity issues. he drives a vespa and slips into accents. he's irish and allergic to the potato. i'm very pro that. he lives in the biggest mansion in mansion land. maren lives in the basement of his aunt, a mansion of similar proportions. that home used to belong to a ukrainian body builder.

there's a sauna and a pull up bar remaining. i did a few. how things change… i used to take walks with maren and fail at doing even one.

oh, and maren works at the trading post. it's a hellish equivalent of wall drug outside of the garden of the gods. colorado is such a beautiful state. so incredibly amazing.

the trip started with a few days in laramie. it's really not as bad as my sister makes it sound, but it's understandable that she hates it there. she has some friends now, and hey there's a new sushi place and coffee shops galore. i even met a gay friend of hers. gasp! laramie and littleton, sitting in a tree, k-i-l-l-i-n-g… we saw a cowboy. my mom was excited. we also saw cirque du soleil varekai which was friggen amazing. there was also a pretty angel boy. he lost his wings and went boom. french acrobats are damn sexy. after that brandi was really really pissy. it was like canada all over again.


denver has this thing called the 16th street mall. it's several blocks of shops, restaurants, movie theatre, and etc. the only traffic is a bus going in each direction that you can ride for free. i saw lots of pretty people. also, lots of scary people. there were some panhandling punk kids which made me sad, especially the one that looked like emma. we went into a large hot topic (it's a new experience walking into one from the outdoors instead of a mall. wheooo). my mom had an extended conversation with the girl working, which was creepy. the postal service was playing. also creepy. one day we went to the renaisaance festival where i saw several goth kids. goth kids + ren fest people = “you're so goth you fart spiderwebs! you pee crimson!” it was hilarious.there were a few levi clones. quite creepy. i also saw the prettiest scene kid ever so i hid behind something. if only i had my camera, i'd have asked him to take pix for lj. *snicker*

i could have purchased more pretty angels to go with the two i have, but decided against it. eventually it started raining and then hailing and then it was a very wet walk back to the car. it's part of renfest tradition. it either has to be unbearably hot and humid or raining. it sounded like there'd been no rain in laramie or colorado until my mom and i showed up. damn you weather patterns! oh well, i like the rain.

we also went to six flags, where it was thankfully not raining. i rode my first rollercoaster and then several more. i saw the gayest riddler ever. his ticket was so free he was being paid to be in the park. literally. because he worked there. get it… heh. robin fell off the remote controlled batmobile. goth kids and punk kids at six flags were trying waaaay too hard not be amused. my favorite was the 5'4″ kid in the giant purple hat with black lipstick. i wish i would have seen him on a rollercoaster or something.

behind our hotel there was a gay club called the wrangler. another club in town advertised thursday night drag queen bingo which sounds awesome.

saved! and goodbye lenin! are great movies. santa clause sat in front of us during eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. citizen kane!

i returned to brookings to discover… oddness. the nightmare of me in high school looking like old self was a premonition i think. well, moreso of a warning. i can't fall into the old traps. i can't revert to my emotional crappiness. close proximity of happy couples should not shut me down.

i'm cloud minded

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