At age fourteen, Adam P. Johnson found himself at a turning point between today and tomorrow. No longer able to simply glide through time, he was forced to make a proactive decision, thus ensuring his destiny. His destiny, like all destinies, was actually unsure and fluid. The problem in many people’s lives is that they are simply unaware of the great openness left up to them in charting a course for their own future.
Gathering together nothing more than a rucksack and the most rudimentary of supplies, Adam headed into the mountains of his homeland unhindered by adult sensibilities. What he reached first were not the grand glorious mountains he was so basically familiar with, but rather the back door. Upon opening it, he turned around, headed back inside, and grabbed a juice box. Sitting down to partake of some Juicy Juice, he paused to think of the cultural relevance of Arthur.
He was then interrupted by his mother, arriving home from work.
“Adam, how many times have I told you not to leave the back door open?”

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