spent debate in the library talking to emma. she's a swell girl, as long as it isn't midnight and she's deadjournaling… hehe

i decided i wanted to update my interests, so i did that, and i also wanted to share some humorous things i found here, as made by the illustrious kstraub.

Forgive the blasphemy
I was reading a Chick tract, and realized that you could never properly write a mystery with God as the culprit, because the pronouns end up capitalized and spoil the secret.

“Why have you assembled us all here, Holmes? Have you gone mad?”

“Quite the opposite, Nurse Ellie. I believe the Thief is Someone in this room!”

also “In Soviet Russia, “The Core” bores you!”

some fun ones from elsewhere “In Soviet Russia, World meets Boy!”

“In Soviet Russia, is that you in my pocket, or am I just happy to see a banana?”

In Soviet Russia, you modifies OBJECT!

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