i've reached a breaking point. disregard this entry.

Grrr.. I'm over reacting and being a dumb fuck, but I'm really angry/sad right now.

I just finished the fucking ACT. Yeah, I feel like swearing right now just to let you know. I'm pretty sure I did pretty fucking bad. What was the point in retaking it? I was perfectly fucking happy with my score, now I have to get another worse score too. I don't need that. Grr, fuck.

Friday night was ruined by the test as well, can't stay up late when you have to wake up early for a damned test. At least I'm not at Interp or Debate, that's every other weekend from here on it.

I didn't get to go to Aberdeen. I don't get to go to Wyoming. I do, however, get to go to Watertown for Pumpkinstakes. Yippie kie aye fucking aye. At least the NHS and Thespian crap I had to do last night turned out well.

Back to the present. After I got out of the ACT I was pissed so I decided to drive around for awhile. I returned home to the fucking roofers and a note. My mom's freaking out too so she ran off to Sioux Falls with a friend. She wanted to bring to Aberdeen, but couldn't. I understand perfectly, but coming home and seeing a note and the fucking pounding on the roof… GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

I haven't cried for awhile. I think I'll do that. I need to get out of my house, but where the hell can I go? Maybe I'll break down Steph's fucking apartment door. That'd be an exciting experience.


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