Yeah, so I didn't try out for the play, which is a big leap for me. Now that I think about it, the musical was first last year, allowing me more Interp & debate time. So.. yeah, I won't be the star role in The Baseball Show, sadly. *scoff*
I didn't do much of anything today. No nap even. I think it might be because I didn't eat until 8 or so. Hmm. I did read a lot of Bruce Campbell's autobiography If Chins could Kill, Confessions of a B Movie Actor. It's beautiful. Like an inside look at crappy movie making. So nice. Hmm, things I currently should be doing:
1. NHS Hours
2. Being Artistic (rotoscoping of bruce pic is planned!)
3. Thespian Crap. Oops. Forgot to do that stuff.. again.
4. Discretionary points for English (wha?)
5. Practicing my individual interp piece
Wow, small list! I like wasting time. It's so.. relaxing. Hmm, there's this cute skater boy in school I've had my eye on. (That surprise anyone? Anyone? Hello, this thing on?)
I walked to the skatepark tonight with Maren and left him a little love note scrawled in sharpie on some strange skater-thing. Heh, I'm a dork.
In other news, I'm considering getting a haircut. I just thought you all should know.
Ha, I'll leave you before I kill all your brain cells.