Wheee, arts fest was fine for the two hours I saw it, Brandi's good, I like her, she's my sister. She talked to people. I think she might be on drugs again. She doesn't look like Steph, even if Levi and Alex think so. Weirdos. Hmm, I abandoned Tucker, I suck, need to find him and talk to him. I've been in a car for about 24 hours and I'm very hot right now. My brain is on overload. Hmm, I think I'm going to apply for UMD, (University of Minnesota, Duluth) very soon. In this week probably. I love Duluth. We drove for 8 hours from Omaha to Duluth, it was worth it.

Picture this, 1:30am,slowly dirivng over a hill and exiting a town of trees and seeing a see of lights and red glowing towers on a hill to the left. It was beautiful. My eyes were a little wet when we first drove into town. Duluth is marvelous. Driving at night there reminded me of Taiwan. It's pretty cool in the daytime too. Being right next to Lake Superior regulates temperature, meaning it's coldish. I like that. The entire campus is an interconnected series of tunnels. I REALLY like that. Never have to go outside again, HAHAH! Wow it was neat. Very nice campus, nice tour, nice people, nice classrooms and dorms. Well, reasonably nice, it is a public University. It's just all so wonderful. Graphic Design program there is very good and competetive. I think that's going to be my career. Hmm, yeah, so I'm looking forward to Duluth. Damn my senior year to hell.


I heart Steph and Tessa. They need to be here. And Clint. And Maren and Seth. Everyone in Topher!


Yeah, so all is great right now, besides the fact that I haven't made a comic for awhile, bad lazy Topher! BAD!


Scrapbook fun!

I'll talk more when I'm calmed down.

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