I’ve just released my first two sticker packs for the App Store. The first features artwork by Kyle Ferrin for my brother-in-law’s asymmetric tabletop cave…
Tag: msaed
I’m back in ActiveWorlds. Come say hi at AW 57.9S 3254.5E 2.2a 270
For the month of November, I’ll have a selection of my internet eikon GIFs hanging at Knockbox Cafe (1001 N. California Ave, Chicago, IL). Be…
Sketch based on film still by Quinnford + Scout for Andrew Haigh’s Weekend
Last fall I finally finished revamping my professional design portfolio site, which you should definitely check out. You can also head over to my make…
make something awful every day: year one from Topher McCulloch on Vimeo. Here’s the video wrap-up of year one of #msaed. If anyone out there…
I just wrapped up the first year of the Make Something Awful Every Day Project (#msaed), and I’ll soon be compiling a book and video…
Trust me.
Opening for One from Topher McCulloch on Vimeo. A walkthrough of the solo exhibition OPENING FOR ONE on the night of July 29th, 2010. Part…